Shadow Cities Wiki
Golden gateway

Golden Gateway: Celebrate The Power

Through the Gateways leak the shadow energy that powers all magic. It is this energy that Mages around the world seek to control and master. With the Midsummer Hunt nearing an end, Architects and Animators once again seek out more reliable sources of power.

The ‘Golden Gateway’ campaign will begin Monday June 27 at approximately 11:00 AM PDT and will run for one full week. The campaign will be split into three rounds and afterward we will be posting the names of the top 100 mages who conquer the most Gateways during the campaign. We will also be rewarding 10 mages out of the top 100 with 10 free Mana Potions!

Starting with the 'Golden Gateway' campaign, the value of Endurance is being increased. Endurance will now grant 10 health per point, up from 5. As a result, some Rare Spirits have become more powerful!
